Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Silversun Pickups : Bloody Mary / Single, Album Preview

Full disclosure: Silversun Pickups may be my favorite band. I always hate answering that question, because I feel like it changes a lot. However, if I had to choose one, it might certainly be them. There's just something about Brian Aubert's unique voice and heavily distorted guitar, the simple often simple, but always powerful drumming by Chris Guanlao, and the complex, even confusing lyrics.

Even Neck of the Woods'
album art is a departure from
their typical abstract images
So when SSPU announced a new album, I couldn't help but get excited. While the announcement (like two or three weeks ago) for Neck of the Woods isn't news any more, all the interviews and tweets surrounding its upcoming release on May 8th have just gotten me too excited to not write a blog post about it.

Aubert describes the album as something "like a horror movie." Personally, I think that this is a great direction for the Pickups to take, considering their already heavily distorted, even dark sound. All I can say is, if it's anything like their recent EP release Seasick, I already approve.

The release of the first album's single has stirred some waves in the online sphere already and for good reason--it's good.

"Bloody Mary (Nerve Endings)," as it is called, is a new direction for Silversun Pickups. While it maintains the distorted guitar that has come to define them, it certainly is much darker than their previous endeavors. It's chilling. It's creepy. And it's a great listen. I think Aubert and the crew have really tapped into a really cool sound for this album.

Here's to hoping that the rest of the album will hold up to the standard the single has already set.

Haven't heard "Bloody Mary" yet? Here. I've just saved you a Google search. You're welcome.

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